Christmas and New Year... it has been a time i have usualy associated with 3 months of funin the sun, but all that is about to change with my impending position at PricewaterhouseCoopers. Starting Monday I will be a slave to the wage and promptly locked away to work 9 till 5...
However, I did have a fantastic time before christmas with a very eventful trip up to Cairns to see bryan and then down to geelong to see my two lovely sisters, who put me up the whole time, my brother and my mum and dad. Not to mention the 30 odd cousins that all seem to have grown up way to fast down south! I swear they were only like 6 or 8 or 10 the last time I was down in Victoria!
Camping up on the daintree was a great, its been too long! fishing in the rain, cooking spaghetti on toast in the middle of the Daintree river and watching Bryan empty his tent of water in the mornings were all highlights... ok, so maybe cmaping in the middle of a monsoon is not the brightest thing to do!
Hopefully I will start being able to contribute a little more intelectual data to the blog over this next year, but first i need to get that thesis finished! Just the abstract to go! I'll give you a sneak preview of the acjnowledgements i'd like to make, but probably wont be allowed too...
In initiating and completing this Honours year I have drawn on a vast array of support and experience, but in my mind there is no doubting the debt I owe to my parents. To them I attribute my desire to achieve and my penchant for challenges which guided me into this program and served me well throughout it. Particularly, I thank them for never buying a television when I was young. I may never have undertaken this Honours year if it wasn’t for the support and inspiration of Associate Professor Peter Wells, Mihir Mehta and David Bedford and I thank them for that. On a technical note, the programming skills of Jacob Govendir and assistance of Brett Govendir and Professor Greg Clinch have also been much valued. Lastly, thanks to all those who have contributed ideas, punctuation corrections, theoretical suggestions and encouraging remarks in times of despair over the year.