All I can say about this folks, is that I'm again mixing study and pleasure. However, be careful how you view these ideas - you may realize too late that your previous ideals are contradictory. I can't offer a full range of the alternatives here right now - but I'll be writting an essay on this on Friday, and hope to have most of teh alternatives covered by then!

Ok - you got Two major theories to choose from in teh begining - then you can notpick over finer details. Choice is; Dualism or Monism.
- The nature of conscious intelligence is non-physical. The mental and pysical are two distinct things/spheres of events. (Brain and Mind)
- Mental illness may not be just a physical problem and Psychology may be useful in treating preventing these types of problems.
- Two broad categories (Containing sub categories) Property Dualism and Substance Dualism.
- Mental and physical things are not two things to be related or explained – there is only one thing,/sphere of events (Brain)
- If you think that the mind is purely physical, mental illness must be a physical problem with the brain and Psychology can be considered useless, as messing with the mind cannot have any effect on the body(brain).
- Two Broad Categories (Including sub categories) Idealism and Materialism.
An argument for Dualism (Which is kinda controversial to how I like to think of thigns, because I'm not convinced these things exist, but if they did - it would be the ebst way to explain them.)
Argument from Parapsychological Phenomena
- Telepathy, precognition, telekinesis, clairvoyance are facts which cannot be explained by normal scientific theories
- All of these theories are easily explained by dualism.
- Therefore, dualism is true
For those advocates of Ockhams Razor - is this simple enough for you? However - I don't like it because it is of a similar structure to the; we can't explain it, therefore God created it type of arguments.
Today, we are going to have a lesson on Property Dualism!
- Mind and body are NOT 2 different things
- The brain is a thing of substance.
- The brain has non-physical properties. (represent Mind)
Property Dualism Argument (Searle Minds, Brains, Ch 1.)
- Mental phenomena are caused by brain processes.
- Mental phenomena are just features of the brain.
- Just as the solidity of a table is caused by an arrangement of atomic particles, and is a feature of the table (not of the particles), so too is the mind both caused by, and a feature of, the brain.
- Hence mental states have two levels of description: a higher level in mental terms, and a lower level in physiological terms.
Why do I like Property Dualism? because I don't like substance Dualism (Mind and Brain are 2 seperate things). Why don't I like Substance Dualism? Because of two reasons:
- The Problem of Interaction; the Mind and Body clearly interact. If mind and body are radically distinct things, how do they interact? Obvious solution: Mind and body interact like a pilot and a ship - this is the Property Dualism view.
- It lends itself too much towards religion. Due to this one of the major arguments for substane Dualism and the problem of interaction is that God is the connection between mind and body and he controls our bodies via our minds in a type of parrallel universe. If this was the case God is responsible for all our physical actions, and we have no free will etc. I just don't like that idea, besides, its foundation is that God exists and that has hardly been established without controversy.
However, Property Dualism is far from being my ideal idea of my mind. It still raises issues of freewill, and does not as easily explain teh quirks of the mind and consciousness. It addresses the issues materialism (Only the brain exists) and neuroscience raise better then Substance dualism, but still not satisfactorily.
More on this later. I'm going to bed. Goodnight. When you dream tonight, wonder where your dreams are coming from. Wonder where they'll take you. Wonder if you've been there before. Wonder if your wondering is just in your dreams, orif your dreams are actually you wondering inyour sleep? Do you wonder if I'mjust saying this tomake this blog seem mysticaly and intelligent?