Anyway - check out the awesome pics of the Hoar frost we had - the tree's were frozen! I love my camera - tried to take photos of snow falling though it for some uknown reason it has trouble with littel white specks against a million other little white specks.

Damian, these photos are beautiful (they'd make good white christmas cards for all us red, hot 'n' stinkin Aussies) *hint* *hint*. More like this please!(Demandin' ain't I?)
Damian! Mate, you dropped off the planet.
But you do have a chance to redeem yourself. Check this page :
for details on how to win a christmas gift. Free photo uploads for a year, unlimited. Check it. Submit heaps. Anyone can win as you'll be voting.
Take care mate,
now which camera would that be and i think you should qualify that statement by adding - i love my mum cos she encourages my artistic talent, introduced me to photography AND LENT ME HER CAMERA!
Actually - it was my digital camera, so i technicaly have nothing to thank my mother for, except for the fact she is my mother, is truly wonderful, introduced me to photogrpahy, took care of me for 18 years less 52x18 for the one day a week I cooked and took care of myself and everybody else in our family because lets face it; food is the most important thing in our family and he/she who cooks has power!
Ah hah! That's the reason nobody ever took me seriously... I guess that's what you get for cooking spag bol every week!
And for saying "I dont care" about everything...
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