Ramblings inspired by psychology, physics, philosophy, philanthorpology, philandering, phenomena, prophets & profits. Travelers Tip: Where is your towel & avoid the garlic sauce.
Wednesday, 29 November 2006
In the end.
I think a lot of us are very obessive these days, but you need to take a wider view of death, money, success and time then usually implied to cover most stereotypes...
For instance, success can mean a lot of things. I'm obsessed to a certain degree with success... but it is success in terms of goals I have set myself. Some people are obsessed with succeding according to societies goals. Success can only be defined in terms of the goals it is measured against.
Which brings us to money... obsession with money could mean an obsession with cold hard cash (think scrooge from Donald Duck), material possessions or freedom. Being obsessed with Death could mean being obsessed with living (fear of death), being obsessed with health or being obsessed with religion (after life)... and although it wasn't mentioned, some of us are obsessed with being in love!
I think being able to live the lives we live is a product of much more then just the people around us, the people who care about us... but if you think back to the start that you get in this world, the statement has a lot of merit. I never did like the saying that we are all born equal, because clearly the kids on cigerette packets under the heading "Smoking can harm your baby" are clearly not born equal, and that is a product of being born to parents who didn't care as much as they should have. On the flip side, Kids born malnourished are not born equal. Kids whose familes cannot support them are not born equal... but it is not a product of the people who care for them.
Is feeling loved and wanted all that matters in the end? I'd like to think that along with feeling loved, I'll feel contented that, as a product of the people who care about me, I did the only thing they ever really asked of me, I tried my best.
What do you want to feel/think in the end? Are you working toward that right now? Is this a meaning of life?
Friday, 24 November 2006
BBQ Monday 27th November 6:30Pm
Bring your swimmers. We have a pool!
Time and Marginal utility
Not many of us have a lot of time anymore. But time alone cannot be an excuse, because it is always possible to make time, it is always possible to stop doing one thing, and do another. So, rather then sleeping you could be visiting your girlfriend (like Heath!). Rather then working you could be at the TAB (Like dad!). Rather then calling your family you could be studying (like me :P). So, time is not an excuse, because a lack of time implies a lack of importance, which introduces our second concept...
Marginal utility:
The choices you make about time reflect, to a degree, your opinions of whats important, wahts enjoyable and whats urgent in the world. Geroge bush spends a lot of time talking rhetoric, rhetoric is important to Gerge Bush. John Howard spends a lot of time talking about whatever the hottest topic currently is (global warming) because wining elections is important to him. Unfortunately I have to admit that i have spent a lot of time recently glued to my computer working on my thesis because ithas been important, enjoyable and urgent! I'm sure my family understands!
So... is TV time more important, more urgent and more enjoyable then wahtever else you could be doing? Which ties in so well with opportunity costs... but maybe another time!
Wednesday, 15 November 2006
Buenos Aires..
Well since Damo hasn't updated his blog for ages I have decided to write
Not long now and i will be back in Oz..
But for the moment I am enjoying my stay in Buenos Aires the captial of
Argenina and what a beautiful city it is! With just over 2 million people (I
think) It's a city full of all the necessities..like good food and an
awesome nightlife..crazy..
A typical night here (most nights of the week) might include a parrilla
(basically a Argentinian BBQ) where HUGE lumps of
steak..lomo,tira,chorizo..cooked slowly over hot coals, served with a simple
salad of lechuga,tomate y cebolla (lettuce,tomato and onion) you can't go
wrong. And it's soooo cheap!For all this you might pay 10 pesos ($4 AUD)
this is the life..
The thing is parties don't start till at least 1.30-2am sometimes 3 and out
till 9am..that's the life and it's very easy to get used to..
What was really cool..I went to a Boca Juniors game..if that means nothing
to you, let me explain. La Boca -'The Mouth' in English- is a working class
area in BA at the mouth of the rio de la plata (river of silver) and they
have one of the most famous soccer teams in the world. They have won around
15 international championships and so therefore have a HUGE following. So
went to the game on Sunday night. You have no idea how crazy these fans
are.The hooligans (the cheer squads) have like mafia control over the
officials, players, ticket sellers everything..fans throw bags of piss at
each other..suddenly Collingwood fans seem quite dignified..they have like
100 songs that are sung throughout the game all about there love for la
Boca..otra, otra vuelta Boca! For these people, their team is their
Well just a little bit of news to add..hope alls well..
Will be seeing you all soon
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