Electronic Memory

Hopefully this page will become a record of the things worth remember in my life (At least from 2011 onwards)

Electronic Memory 11, 19/4/2010

• Met with James, Celine and Shane from Good Returns to discuss the context of the renewable energy program, the Grameen PPI tool and Good Returns Triple Bottom Line Reporting. Lesson learned: The confirmation of the many benefits of evening light.

• Installed the sink, which required some interesting use of the jigsaw(Good work Russell!) after the plumbers pointed out that there was no room for the clips provided to latch onto the bench-top. Strike 3 for the plumbers. Instructions and DIY magazine never mentioned anything about clips! Lesson learned: Have a go yourself first and then get help, this way you learn the tough lessons first hand and don’t waste others (plumbers) time.

• Electrician came out and installed a dedicated circuit for the oven and stove, plus safety switches, electronic circuit breakers, isolation switches etc. He even delivered the fridge for me. Lesson learned: There is almost always a 10% discount available if you pay cash.

• Repaired the splash back filler where it had been destroyed by the electrician in order to install the dedicated oven circuitry. Lesson learned: How important big think is and the benefits of mock-ups. Nobody spotted that the power point that sits behind the stove would be a problem until everything else was in place.

• Sold the fridge, all that remains to get rid of is a vertical free standing fan.

• Adjusted the Le Mans cupboard supports, looks like it will now work 100% but still needs to be tested to ensure it clears the hinge. Central swing arm now sits at manufacturers specified distance from the end of the cupboard, so should not be a problem. Worse comes to worse, we will just raise the swing arm above the hinge this time. Lesson learned: If you can, install your kitchen hardware before you put the cupboards in place, just to make sure they fit. Again – mock-ups are so important!


Electronic memory 10, 10/4/2011
Ben and Sals wedding was on yesterday at the Historical Hotel in Glen Davis. What an amazing place and a fantastic group of people. Ben and Sal are truly blessed to have some fantastic friends and I'm happy to be lucky enough to take Nick Mays spot and get to be part of it.

For any sydney siders looking for a neat wkend get-away, this palce is definetely worth a visit. There is also a camp ground and it is brilliant riding territory. Would love to have time to head back there on the bike one day.

Been a long time since I've been lucky enough to sleep out under the open sky and gaze upon the stars as well and truly appreciate the beauty of Australia and mother nature. Looking forward to a lot more of that in the future.


Electronic memory 6, 28/1/2011
Its been an emotional week and I don't know why. Strange. I think I might be more attached to my life than I thought. I have a wicked group of friends, used to be awesome at my job, have a lil reno 'project' and get to play with power tools, exercise, health, adrenalin, sport, money and even some occasional interest from the ladies. Leaving it all behind. Why? Because:
  • I'm too comfortable (prob why I 'used' to be awesome at my job)
  • My feet are itchy
  • I'm struggling to get out of bed in the morning, even in summer
  • I expect more of myself - I want to do amazing things, not mediocre things. Not really sure how taking a holiday achieves that though!
So this week has been a bit of a struggle. Not sure I still know why exactly, I feel there are some other things I'm hiding or not seeing.

Thursday 27th
  • More lizard moments.
  • Conked out, fell asleep fully clothed @ 9pm
Wednesday 26th
  • Beach with NJM & RN
  • Poolside with VS & LC for lunch
  • Dinner @ Sake with SL
Tuesday 25th
  • Another couple of lizard moments. Not sure why.
  • Huge session at cricket training.
Monday 24th
  • Struggle street & lizard moments galore. Realise SN is right, proud independence can be isolating and scary

Sunday 23rd
  • Keepin mum happy by buying some Kevlar riding pants
Saturday 22nd
  • Made some runs against Mosman @ balmoral
  • Kicking it old skool style with a LAN party at SA's until 3am
Electronic memory 5, 22/1/2011
Big week, trying to put in as much as I can at work for the team but am having to self-motivate all the time. Think the lizard won this week again, or maybe it is the lizard talking? I dunno, its all too confusing at the moment. But hey, at least having fun is still simple!

Friday 21st
  • Scuba theory class
  • 333, GPO & Zeta w/t AS & Co, VS & Co.
Thursday 20th
  • Dinner @ Steel bar with NJM & SA, kick onto small bar & La Cita. A night like the old days.
Wednesday 19th
  • Sick. Saaral finally caught up with me.
  • First time in 4 yrs at PwC I'm starting to hear "Just do what the boss wants". Not a good sign.
Monday 17th
  • Dinner with SA - barred entrance to Wakeup Bar for being over-dressed!
Sunday 16th
  • Late start
  • Lunch with JT in Parra
Saturday 15th
  • Emergency cheese delivery to JR's picnic
  • Saaral - Poor start, Good recovery on the speech's and much more confident ending. had an absolute ball, the crew and performers were incredible. Fantastic after-party as well.
Friday 14th
  • Last Rehersal for Saraal. Still don't know what I'm doing
Electronic memory 4, 14/1/2011

Watch out for the Lizard brain (Amygdala), it's responsible for you wanting to fail at anything other than survival, so your safe and secure and not doing anything scary, even if the scary is good for you. First wk of work and Lizard brain has taken over.

Wednesday 12th
  • Saaral Rehersals
 Tuesday 11th
  • Matty McKenna in town
  • Dinner with Rid & Paul
  • Gaff night with Zaeem, Ange, Banu & Ikan

 Monday 10th

  • Back to work 
  • Ange cooked me a 2 hr Risoto

 Sunday 9th

  • Surprise picnic for V went down a treat
  • Gave Bike a chain service
Saturday 8th

  • Dave Bedford BBQ picnic to celebrate end of PhD
  • Saaral Rehersals. Oh dear.
  • Brakes on the bike working well

Friday 7th

  •  D & V welcome home from Germany
  •  Catch up with JT early. Started the Bronte - Bondi walk in the rain, middled it in the sun and finished it in the rain. 
  • Sunburnt with a hangover - not a good mixture
  • Indulged in a little creative painting, watched DVD's and visited brighton le sands late.

 An almost perfect day of activities on an imperfect day. Very surreal. One of those ordinary days that just seems to work. I want more days like this one.

 Thursday 6th

  •  Put in a little bit more for cricket training
  •  Niyant's quasi house warming BBQ. Arrived a little bit wet. Left a little bit wet.


Electronic memory 3, 6/1/2011
All you gotta do is do. All you gotta do is act now. All you gotta do is put in. Yoda was so right - Trying alone is not good enough, you gotta do - even if the doing is not perfect.

Wednesday 5th 2011:
Quick trip down to the Royal National Park & back again with Kanu on his new bike. Got to get down here more often - it is only 30 mins away! Thought for the pub: Your really only do get out what you put in - time to try harder & put more in.

Tuesday 4th 2011:
Rehersals for Saaral. Just a little scared. Love it.

Monday 3rd 2011
Mirazozo at the Opera House, Wip It & BBB with JT

Identified my first Lynchpin - Rachael @ Alpha Hair & Body in Carlingford who gave me a free haircut when it turned out the gift voucher I had was for a different place.

Electronic memory 2, 2/1/2011

Summer in sydney is the good life. Beach in the morning when the rays are warming and the waves not so stormy. Embrace the rain when it comes, it washes away the stains and the smells. Sleep is then an easy sell.
Down to Freshwater early with Richy. Thought for the beach: If I ever have kids they must join a surf life saving club early on - what a great way to teach them that exercise is fun.

Lunch with Anne-maree & Co @ the Beresford. Thought for the pub: Indoor 'green' features are awesome.

Korean BBQ dinner with Jev & Nat for their last night in Sydney - topped off with desert at the chocolate house & a couple of games of pool. For the record the scorecard was: Nat 3, Jev 2, Me 1.

Electronic memory 1, 1/1/2011

I have a terrible memory. I struggle to remember what I did last week, so this year I'm going to try to remember to record it in my electronic memory as close to the day it happens as possible. Hopefully this electronic memory will act as a key to unlock my actually memory.

Here are a couple recent significant events:

Rode the bike down to Toc via Cooma and the snowy mountains for Xmas. Camped at Endrick Creek crossing near Nerriga on the way down & shared dinner with a 1m Eel. Awesome ride. Should have remembered the waterproofs though.

Xmas 2010 was spent in Bills shed in Toc & was topped off by a old fasioned water-fight. Being back home in the country reminded me in a good way that humans are such a small insignificant speck in the history of the world. It felt good to know that no matter how bad we mess things up for ourselves, a million years after us it will probably be back to how it was.

Between XMAS and NYE I managed to get a puncture in my rear tyre and I had to pull the rear axle apart twice before I got it back on the right way finally.

The night I got the puncture I had an interesting and insightful night out with JT eating Harry's spud & pea pies.

NYE 2010 was spent camping on cockatoo island with Jev, Nat, Nick, Liz & Ange. Brilliant. Shame about the trek home.

Happy memories.