Thursday 12 October 2006

Ultimate Frisbee - FCUTS

I have decided to take up ultiamte frisbee this summer. I had so much fun with the 'Mothers Finest' team in Canada that I had to take this sport up again! We only ever won one game that I can remember, but hell it was so good until we started to take it too seriously!

Besides it remioned me of 4ths and 3rds Football where I played 3 seasons for about 3 wins! (Going on 18 games a season, thats Stats of: Losses 51, Wins 3.)

As everybody knows, Ultimate is mixed sex sport so we really need to encourage some girls to get involved. Its anything but serious and they have 4 divisions based on skill, so their is always going to be beginners.

Checkout for more details.


Rhian said...

To the best lookin' bloke in Sydney!

Hee hee :)

Love you, have a good one!

(I know technically it's not the 18th yet... but I'm gettin in early.


Anonymous said...

id like to play..would be cool..when i get back..when does the new season start??

Alvin said...

I was invited to play on the residence team again this year for indoor ultimate. We had our season opener today and won 11-8!