Wednesday 28 December 2005

Crazy Travel Hours

I'm at Alvins now after spending a crazy 32hrs traveling.

Left Calgary at 12:00 noon on the 26th, arrived Regina 1:00am. Couldn't get a taxi to the university so got a lift with some random people! Got my gear from Storage and packed it all down into my new Backpack (Present to self!). Booked a cab for 3:30am and was done packing by 3:00am - Was woried the taxi wasn't going to show, so asked a friend (John) who has just getting into party mode if he could give me a lift to the airport, but the taxi came just as we where leaving so thought it best I went in the taxi.

Flight left Regina for minniapolis at 7am, so got a little bit of sleep at the airport, plus a little on the bus to Regina (2 seats to myself luckily!), arrived in Minniapolis and jumped straight on the plane for Seattle, arrived at Seattle at 1:30pm saskatchewan time, but had to put clock back two hours! anyways, waited around Seattle until 3:30pm vancouver time then flew here and Alvin picked me up! Haven't slept properly for about 36+ hours and considering I went to bed at 6am on boxing day morning and 5am on christmas day morning it has been a long long time without adequate sleep!

I guess it was this lack of sleep that added to my appearance as somethign less then socially acceptable, because I was harrassed by a security gurard at the bus station when she observed me packing some small bottles of alcohol into my bag, stating that if I drank on the bus I would be kicked off - Ia ssurred her they where going under the bus. Anyway, come time to show my ticket and board, the bus driver says "I understand you have been drinking?" Waht am i supposed to say - its christmas, I've been drinking for the last two days! So of course I say "Nope - just packed away some christmas presents." So he informs security and trhey leave me alone.

On arrival back into Canada from Seattle, I ge the third degree from the customs officer. "Where have you come from today?" With dread I go into explaining how I have come from Canada, only to re-enter Canada. Yes I know my student visa is expired I explained - I'm here as a tourist now. So that lead to delays and a trip to the immigration office, where they couldn't understand what the fuss was about. Also - the US customs officer told me I didn't need a US visa at all - I don't think any of these people know what they are doing!

Top it off - One of my bags has had oil of some description spilled on it, so I have to fill out forms etc etc in regards to that! Consider I have only covered a distance of a 3 hour flight in 32Hrs of travel... I'm suprised I was in sucha good mood!

Fiji's next - gurantee more things will go wrong! Anybody know if you need a visa for Fiji? Whoops! Update on the awesoem christmas coming as soon as I have some photos to explain...


Anonymous said...

nice work damo!

Anonymous said...

I know how it is, the security was after me like I was related to bin Laden him self. They drugtested my bag and I had to fill out paper after paper that said that I'm not a spy or a part of a terrorist gang. I know, I look so big, strong and dangerous!!! Happy new year! Say hi to Alvin from me.