Tuesday 10 January 2006

Calgary I need help!

Location: Calgary, AB, Canada
Uhhh... I was going through my wallet the other day (As I have described on numerous occasion to Canadaians, 'the other day' ranges between from approximately upto a year ago but some people (Aged 22) have been heard to say things like "the other day, when I was 6") and I came across 2 interesting pieces of paper.

The first is a yellow stickynote folded in half, with Alvins Vancouver phone number on one half in my writing, and the mysterious Carmen's phone number on the other half, in what must only be mysterious Carmens handwritting. Sorry for publishing your details Carmen, but does anybody recognise this phone number: 585-5451 ??? Its definetly a Canadian number, so since I can't remember receiving it, I was wodnering if Alisa or Reid or Alex could help me out?

The other piece of paper is a plain white off-white coloured card with three stars, a squiggle in the shape of a whirlpool and what looks like the cancer symbol hand drawn onto it and I'm assuming the typrewriter words describing the card as a "Hug Coupon. Redeemable today, then pass it on!!! With Loving intentions." I can't remember receiving this either (Shame on me - its so sweet!) Can anybody help me out? Can anybody reccommend a good, cheap psychiatrist in the Upper Sydney Area who deals with memory loss?


D. said...

Ok that first bracket makes like no sense at all - but the typos are caused by this terrible keyboard, I swear!

D. said...

G'day Alex!

Haven't sent any emails to any other exchange students yet - so been slack as well!

Hope you ennjky thailand, don't get arested for those drugs I put in your bag before you left :P

Anonymous said...

hot and healthy? hmmm.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you call and see who's number you got??
Party tonight, me and samira are getting ready. Ludvig got us on the VIP list:) All the people in Eskilstuna, Watch out! herer we come! Wohoo! puss!

ps. Don't get too drunk in a strip bar, you miss out the purpose of the bar...haha!