Saturday 15 July 2006

Day-in-the-life-of-Ange Part Two

Hola amigos!

Well while waiting for a bus to Trujillo to see Kike I have decided to write
the second installment of a day in my life. Excited? Where was I? Ok so at school..

I am currently team teaching fifth and six grades with Ko and Sarah. Fifth grade I have been teaching since I started and I really love them to bits. Despite being a class of 47, they are a lot of fun and I feel bad punishing them with boring topics such as verbs and pro-nouns this week but it has to be done. It's hard not to have favourites, but I have a few. Lil' Damian and David Octavio are THE cutest lil' guys and make me laugh all the time. And Elmer actually looks like a cross between Elmo and Gollum. It's possible. But the sweetest lil' guy too. And 'Old Man Roberto' is 14 but looks like a little old man, and the most responsible 14 yo I have met. Yeah as you can see most of my favs are boys. Don't know why. The girls are really unenthusiastic, even though I quite like Maribel and Luz Angelica. And these few are probably the smartest in the class too. So they always make me feel better when I think all is lost. I ask 'Damian?' and he's always right. Thank you. Someone is getting it. He had the cutest little red shirt on yesterday.

So I teach the fives and then the sixes who are just so hormonal at the moment. And so unwilling to do what you ask of them. Always complaining. 'Mala!' Lori and Maria del Pilar say to me. 'Bad!' Whatever. I mean they should have all got at least 19 on their solar system exam. So after classes we can go home, visit families or have recreo (recreation)and that means playtime. Yesterday we tried to teach them netball. But it turned into a completely different game. They really don't like standing still with a ball. But at least they used their hands and not their feet. That's progress. After 45 minutes of games we head home. Before I jump into a moto, the girls like to tell me that I'm pregnant. Ok, I may have put on a little bit of weight since I have settled down in Piura, but looking pregnant is over exaggerating a little. But it's always a shock to these girls that I am 21 without children. It's then back to the kiosko to buy some 'orejitas' (little palmier type cookies) and into an uncomfortable combi to Piura.

The afternoons I spend sleeping, eating, emailing, talking and more talking usually. So that's basivcally what I have been doing for the last two and a half months in Piura and travelling on weekends or hanging out in Piura. Not really that exciting, huh?hehehe you wanted to hear it!But well I am having fun and in a week and a half it's all going to be over and I am really going to miss it.

Until next time.


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