Friday 28 July 2006

Return to your Glory Days Party

Location: 482 Pacific Hwy, Artarmon, NSW
This is very advanced notice that on either the 25th, 26th or 27th of August, Heath and I will be holding a 'Return to your Glory Days' party at our new apartment.

Its not intended to be a loud or late evening at this stage, but more of a quiet gourmet wine, beer and conversation night. The plan is that everyone who attends has to bring a story to tell from their past, either from their glory days - whenever that may have been, from travels over-seas, travels to the local, or a story that helped define who they were.

Now I know it sounds all a bit sassy and touchy feely for a wannabe weetbix strongman and an accountant, but if it gets everyone out of their comfort zones and generates a bunch of laughs, were all for it (Actually, Heath knows nothing about it at this stage!)

Please let me know if you think this is a good idea or not?


Anonymous said...

it is a grand idea.

Rhian said...

Sorry, can't make it to the "sassy" party, but I'd love to add a story-slash-poem about the (not-so-much) glory days!

Every day is a glory day!

D. said...

Do you need an invite to add your story / poem, or was "everyday is a glory!" your poem, or do you not want to share it with teh whole world?

By the way - don't go see "The Libertine" especially on a date...

Rhian said...

Haven't even heard of The Libertine - what is it? Review pls!

Also, I meant for the poem to be read at the party.

I think the one we gave you for your 21st sums up many of your glory days - dirt bike kid! :) Love ya

Anonymous said...

sounds like a plan..and again i want to go..but cant obviouslt..ill forgive u just as long as u hole me a somesort of Welcome Home Ange Party..cmon i think after a year away ill deserve one..jajaja =oP
enjoy and hope u get some character building stories..

D. said...

Hi Ange!

Hmmm, you know for a welcome home party - you actually have to come home! Hehe.

Anonymous said...

Yeah well i will be's time..well it will be by then