Tuesday, 14 February 2012

New beginnings and different endings

Location: Aria Branca, Dili, Timor-Leste
For as long as we have clouds, sunshine
We will have sunsets and sunrise
For as long as we have early morning risers and star gazers
We will have an appreciation of infinite possibilities.

For as long as we have the crimson, gold
and pink delicacy of a tropical sunset
The azure, green and gold where jungle, sun and sea meet
We will have an appreciation of chance creation

For as long as we have the misty blue haze of mountain silhouettes
and sparkling fire water
The piercing sparkle, razzle dazzle rays and invigorating warmth of an airborne sun
We will have an appreciation of new beginnings and different endings

For as long as we have an appreciation of sunsets and sunrises
We will have an appreciation of infinite possibilities


Anonymous said...

Happy Valentine's Day! :D


Anonymous said...

Nice words there.

L said...

I like it :)

Jake - Climat Friendly said...

this is your best rambling yet mate....

D. said...

Thank you all for your kind words. I like this one a lot too.

I will really miss Timor-Leste and some of the special people that are there and those that have been there.

In particular a big shout out to Paolo, Nimrod, Joao, Carlos, Atoi & Carla, Nancy & Carol, Silje, Charles, Fillipe & Luciana, Lisa, Annika, Gabe, Maria, Leah and Candiece. In your different ways you all made TL a place of infinite possibilities for me.