Thursday 2 February 2012

Our Pollies are so cheap

Seems like Gina Rinehart is set to become Murdoch Mach 2 and our politicians still don't have any back-bone.

Gina Rineheart makes play for media influence

Although the prospect of Gina Rineheart using Fairfax media as her personal mouthpiece is worrying what really astounded me was just how cheap our politicians really are:

"After all, if you really want to buy influence in Australia, the going price is peanuts. The mining lobby spent around $20 million in its campaign against the Resource Super Profits Tax; its most effective media presence was in fact a single salaried lobbyist, the Minerals Council of Australia’s Mitchell Hooke. 

Clubs Australia has managed to roll back poker machine reform for a lousy few million, ruthlessly targeted at Labor MPs. 

The total donations across all the Australian political parties, at $230 million, still only slightly exceed what Rinehart spent for a slice of Fairfax."

Maybe the problem is not the politicians though, maybe its the constituents. Maybe the Australians that are happy earning 14,556 times less than Rina on average have it good enough that they are too apathetic to care.

Leads to the age old adage that all you need to do is feed the peasants to keep them happy.

PS. That will be changing soon too > 'Climate Change precipitates food shortages & unrest'

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